

Faculty & Staff


姓名:李畅 性别:男 职称:副教授 2023年加入合肥工业大学,黄山学者学术骨干引进


[1] 2010.9-2014.6

贵州大学 | 电气工程 | 学士学位 | 本科学历

[2] 2014.9-2020.7

湖南大学 | 电气工程 | 博士学位 | 研究生学历


[1] 考虑新能源出力不确定性模型的分布式发电机优化建模与控制研究

[2] 高比例可再生能源高比例电力电子的新型电力系统优化建模、稳定性机理分析与协调控制研究 (研究方向属于电力系统与电力电子的交叉学科方向,电力电子技术服务于电力系统)

[3] 构网型储能背景下虚拟同步机建模及电压频率动态稳定机理研究

[4] 基于人工神经网络的以新能源为主体的新型电力系统在线稳定性评估与在线惯量监测

[5] 以新能源为主体的新型电力系统建模、分析及控制


[1] Chang LiGrid Inertia and Damping Support Enabled by Proposed Virtual Inductance Control for Grid-Forming Virtual Synchronous Generator:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2023,38(1):294-303. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[2] Chang LiGeneralized Stabilizer-Oriented Design for GFVSG Integrated into Weak-Stiffness Power Networks:IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2022,37(6):4958-4961. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[3] Chang LiNew Framework of RoCoF-FD for Wideband Stability Evaluation in Renewable Energy Generators With Virtual Impedance Control:IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,2022,13(5):3570-3581. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[4] Chang LiFrequency Stability Assessment of Grid-Forming VSG in Framework of MPME With Feedforward Decoupling Control Strategy:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2022,69(7):6903-6913. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[5] Chang LiA New Perspective for Relating Virtual Inertia With Wideband Oscillation of Voltage in Low-Inertia DC Microgrid:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2022,69(7):7029-7039. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[6] Chang LiFrequency and Voltage Stability Analysis of Grid-Forming Virtual Synchronous Generator Attached to Weak Grid:IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,2022,10(3):2662-2671. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[7] Chang LiA New Virtual Inductance Control Method for Frequency Stabilization of Grid Forming Virtual Synchronous Generators:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,2022,70(1):441-451. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[8] Chang LiTwo-stage robust optimization model for park integrated energy system based on dynamic programming:Applied Energy,2021,308 (Top期刊)

[9] Chang LiAn impedance amplitude compensation control strategy for improvement of dynamic performance of DC microgrid:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2021,136 (SCI)

[10] Chang LiInertia Droop Control and Stability Mechanism Analysis of Energy Storage Systems for DC-Busbar Electric Vehicle Charging Station:IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,2021,9(1):266-282. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[11] Chang LiStochastic economic dispatch strategy based on quantile regression:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2021,134 (SCI)

[12] Chang LiReconfigurable Line-Side Converter for DC Voltage Matching and Ripple Suppression in Multisystem Locomotives:IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(5):5832 - 5844. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[13] Chang LiVirtual Inertia Control Strategy for Improving Damping Performance of DC Microgrid With Negative Feedback Effect:IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,2021,9(2):1241-1257. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[14] Chang LiImpedance-based method for DC stability of VSC-HVDC system with VSG control:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2021,130(106975) (SCI)

[15] Chang LiHybrid Measurements-Based Fast State Estimation for Power Distribution System:IEEE Access,2021,9):21112-21122. (SCI)

[16] Chang LiStability enhancement of DC power systems by VSM control strategy:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2020,126 (SCI)

[17] Chang LiVirtual Synchronous Generator Control for Damping DC-Side Resonance of VSC-MTDC System:IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,2018,6(3):1054-1064. (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[18] Chang LiResonance analysis and active damping strategy for shipboard DC zonal distribution network:International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2018,105):612-621. (SCI)

[19] Chang LiUnderstanding DC side high frequency resonance in MMC HVDC system:IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution,2018,12(10):2247-2255. (SCI)

[20] C. Li, “Low carbon economic dispatch of integrated energy systems considering life cycle assessment and risk cost”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 153, 2023, 109287, ISSN 0142-0615, (SCI)

[21] C. Li, “A Generic Power Compensation Control for Grid Forming Virtual Synchronous Generator with Damping Correction Loop” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[22] Chang Li, et, al., “Mechanism Analysis of Frequency Stability of Paralleled Virtual Synchronous Generators in Low-Inertia AC Microgrids” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)

[23] Chang Li, “Dynamic Coupling Mechanism Analysis between Voltage and Frequency in Virtual Synchronous Generator System” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IEEE 旗舰Top期刊)




李畅,抑制虚拟同步发电机频率振荡的虚拟电感控制方法和系统发明,CN 113489027 B,2022-08-09

李畅,直流输电系统直流侧谐振的有源阻尼控制装置及方法发明,CN 106972519 B,2019-07-12


本人先后于丹麦技术大学、香港理工大学、南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作。期间参与了科研项目:“低惯量电力系统稳定性估计建模方法与在线惯量评估 (ACTIONS)”、“高比例可再生能源发电单元渗透下的低惯量电力电子化电力系统稳定机理与控制研究 (Research on Stabilization Mechanism and Control in Low-Inertia Power Electronics Interfaced Power Systems with Penetration of High-Proportional Renewable Energy Generation Units)”、“输电系统网络攻击下的数字孪生技术研究 (Cyber Physical Security of Transmission Systems in Digital Twins)”、与电力电子电能变换的人工智能技术(AI of Power Conversion)


招收硕士生二级学科方向 电力系统及其自动化

本人所在研究团队招收懂电力系统、电力电子 (最好懂硬件)、控制等跨学科方向的硕士研究生,开展以电力系统为背景,融合电力电子技术与控制技术的交叉学科研究。欢迎具有浓厚的学术兴趣的硕士研究生报考。后续如有意向去海外做科研助理、联合培养、读博士、或做博士后研究的可以推荐支持。联系方式: 15700756896 (移动电话) 2023800006@hfut.edu.cn (电子邮箱)  changli@hnu.edu.cn (电子邮箱)
